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8 January 2024
Bild PBS Coaches programme: A Practice Development Nurse’s Perspective
Simone is a Practice Development Nurse at a large NHS Trust. She is responsible for the training and improvement of practice across the Trust’s Autism and Learning Disability Service.
Simone completed Bild’s PBS Coaches Programme for Intensive Support course in the June 2023 and was delighted with the outcomes.
‘I would recommend this course whole heartedly.
‘Our Service manager wanted to increase the capacity of those able to deliver training and so arranged for 20 clinicians from our in-patient, forensic and crisis teams to attend Bild’s training course.
‘I know I can speak on behalf of all our clinicians who attended, that this course has helped us in so many ways. We have not only walked away with up-to-date clinical knowledge but increased confidence and have access to a whole host of new resources. This has enabled us all to deliver more bespoke training for our in-patient and community service.
‘We all thoroughly appreciated the focus on individuals’ quality of life and the activities that formed part of the training course are now being enjoyed by many in our own training sessions! The resources have also become our own little bible for PBS best practice.
‘I couldn’t recommend this course enough. It was worth every minute and has allowed us to focus on so many areas of practice leadership. We have already applied for more Bild training sessions.’
Find out more about Bild’s CAPBS Coaches programme here.