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Delivering high quality end of life care for people who have a learning disability
This guidance document by NHS England (2017) provides resources and tips for commissioners, service providers and health and social care…
Wellbeing for Life: Validation and Reality Orientation
This resource by MacIntyre (2018) introduces what validation and reality orientation are, when to use these methods and weigh up…
Wellbeing for Life: Treatments
This resource by MacIntyre (2018) covers medical and non-medical treatments that can be used in supporting someone with dementia and…
Wellbeing for Life: Signs and Symptoms of Dementia
This resource by MacIntyre (2018) explains the signs and symptoms of dementia and how they might manifest in someone with…
Understanding and Caring for People with Learning Disabilities and Dementia
This resource by Surrey and Borders Partnership NHS Foundation Trust introduces what dementia is in terms of its effects on…
Thinking about Dementia: Important points to remember
This poster by Surrey and Borders Partnership NHS Foundation Trust introduces the philosophy of care for people who have developed…
The Progression of Dementia in People with Down’s Syndrome
This resource by Surrey and Borders Partnership NHS Foundation Trust provides information about the different stages of dementia in people…
Supporting Friends of People with Learning Disabilities and Dementia
It can be hard to see friends or family members deteriorate with conditions such as dementia. This leaflet by Surrey…
Signs of Dementia
Some early signs of Dementia are also associated with other conditions. This resource by Surrey and Borders Partnership NHS Foundation…
Reasonable Anxiety and Dementia in People with Learning Disabilities
When someone develops dementia, they may become anxious because it’s difficult for information to be transferred from their short-term to…