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My Information and Advance Care Plan (Easier Read Version)
This advance care plan by Nottinghamshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust is a written plan about what the person with learning…
Improving access to mainstream health services for people with a learning disability
This training video by Surrey and Borders NHS Foundation Trust provides advice to general hospitals and GPs on how to…
Doing it My Way
St Anne’s Community Services have produced a package of materials to support people with learning disabilities, their families and support…
Why People Fall
This resource by Surrey and Borders Partnership NHS Foundation Trust introduces reasons and examples about why people may fall. This…
We’re Living Well but Dying Matters
This film has been produced by Dying Matters to highlight the importance of including people with learning difficulties in discussions…
Talking End of Life…with people with intellectual disability (TEL)
The University of Sydney, Western Sydney University, HammondCare, Flinders University, Unisson Disability and CareSearch, worked together to develop this free…
Talking About Growing Older and End of Life
In this film Worcestershire’s People’s Parliament for people with learning disabilities talk about how important it is to make plans…
PCPLD Network
This network aims “to raise awareness of the palliative care needs of people with learning disabilities, to share and promote…
Improving End of Life Care for People with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities: Resource Pack
Developed in partnership by Nottinghamshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust and Sherwood Forest Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, this resource pack aims…
Dying Matters Awareness Week
Every year in May, Dying Matters hosts an Awareness Week, which gives an unparalleled opportunity to place the importance of…