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Restrictive Practices Review Tool
This tool defines different types of restrictive practices and takes the user through a process of identifying restrictive practices and…
UK PBS Alliance Webinar: What senior managers need to know about PBS
Tom Evans and Sarah Leitch, who lead on Bild’s Positive Behaviour Support Programmes, speak about what senior managers and leaders…
Evaluation Toolkit for Providers
The Association for Real Change and Foundation for People with Learning Disabilities (2014) developed this assessment tool and action plan…
Learning Disability: Care and Support of People Growing Older
These NICE Quality Standards are about Care and Support of people with learning disabilities growing older. Find out more here.
My Pain Profile
Use this Pain Profile by Nottinghamshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust (2018) to work alongside the person you support to talk…
Measures for evaluating PBS outcomes
A review was carried out in order to identify measures used to evaluate outcomes from PBS. The measures were selected…
Four composites of PBS
Four composites of PBS. This document: What’s in a Name? 25 Years of Defining PBS: From Horner to Kincaid by…
Definition and scope for positive behavioural support
this resource provides a refreshed definition and scope for positive behavioural support (PBS) including the 10 components of PBS. The…
Positive Behavioural Support Competence Framework
The UK Positive Behavioural Support (PBS) Competence Framework provides a detailed framework of the things that you need to know…
Key Messages about PBS
The British Institute of Learning Disabilities, The PBS Academy, The Challenging Behaviour Foundation, Health Education England and Skills for Care…