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Positive Behaviour Support principles for practice during COVID-19
This is a stressful time for us all, people with learning disabilities and autistic people will be confused and may…
Responding to the coronavirus outbreak through PBS
Some of the key principles of PBS are improving people’s quality of life, focusing on building skills and reducing and…
Subjective Quality of Life Tool
To provide a really good quality of service we need to ensure that people have opportunities for life enrichment /…
PBS Standards for Wales
Three measures were developed in 2018 by providers, commissioners, clinicians and practice leaders to improve the overall quality of service…
UK PBS Alliance Webinar: Including people with disabilities in all elements of PBS
Tom Tutton joined us to speak about making Positive Behaviour Support more inclusive. Watch the webinar here.
UK PBS Alliance Webinar: Scaling up PBS
Rachel Freeman joined us to speak about scaling up PBS. Watch the webinar here.
UK PBS Alliance Webinar: Values and Science – Getting the Balance Right in PBS
We’re asking what is more important – the data about or the stories of people receiving Positive Behaviour Support. It’s…
UK PBS Alliance Webinar: Building a Communication Passport
Kate and Jenny Sanger’s Communication Passport gives a voice to the voiceless, and enables those being supported and those providing…
Webinars: Carers – When I’m Gone
Sarah White, from national disability charity Sense, joined us to talk on the topic ‘Carers – When I’m Gone. Watch…
About dementia series of booklets
Three booklets with large print text for staff and carers to use with individuals or small groups of people with…