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PERMA Booklet
Andrew Hill from Autism Together has produced a PERMA booklet to help introduce Positive Behaviour Support to staff in a…
Covid-19 Vaccinations Resources
With the roll-out of the national COVID-19 vaccination programme, there is now hope of a way out of the pandemic…
Trauma informed care and Coronavirus resources
The coronavirus pandemic has been traumatic for many people. In addition to the anxiety experienced by the general population, people…
PBS helpline resources: Understanding behaviour
With funding from the Department of Health and Social Care, Bild have been providing a Positive Behaviour Support (PBS) helpline…
PBS helpline resources: self-help
With funding from the Department of Health and Social Care, Bild have been providing a Positive Behaviour Support (PBS) helpline…
PBS helpline resources: Accessing services
With funding from the Department of Health and Social Care, Bild have been providing a Positive Behaviour Support (PBS) helpline…
PBS Audit for schools & colleges
This Audit tool has been designed to support schools and colleges in identifying areas of strength and areas for development…
The dementia journey for people with learning disabilities – from early signs to supporting people well
This webinar explores the journey for a person with learning disabilities who develops dementia. By the end of the webinar,…
The Ambitious Framework: Guidance for education settings
The Ambitious Framework is an approach to education created by Ambitious about Autism to support children and young people with…
Reframing behaviours of concern through a Polyvagal Lens
This webinar discusses polyvagal theory, reframing behaviours of concern as an autonomic defensive reaction to perceived threat and disconnection. Understanding…