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Webinar: Developing innovative ordinary housing solutions for people with complex needs & behaviours that challenge

This webinar shares good practice about a person-centred, integrated approach between health, social care and housing partners. We know from research evidence that small scale ordinary housing adapted to individual need can deliver the best outcomes for people with learning disabilities (and other vulnerable groups). Delivering good standard ordinary housing options is therefore essential to create the best physical environments to meet people’s needs, but the best outcomes are achieved when support providers deliver evidence based support such as the Positive behavioural support (PBS) framework.

This webinar will be relevant to people concerned with de-institutionalisation, transforming care & building the right support, co-production, PBS, improving quality of life and restraint reduction.

This webinar lasts for approximately 45 minutes and is part of the ‘enabling environments’ webinar series by the UK PBS Alliance. This webinar provides a brief overview, offers some recent guidance on commissioning and then focuses on the role of registered social landlords by hearing directly from First Choice Housing Association with videos featuring the real experts by experience- people with learning disabilities and their families.

The webinar is pre-recorded, can be watched at any time and is supported by some key documents and resources that you can download by following the links below. The quality of your internet connection may affect the quality of the recording and make some slides look out of focus. This can be resolved by selecting a different quality option on the video by using the cog in the right corner of the video. We have also provided PDF copies of the presentation, and you can also download the webinar rather than stream it. We welcome questions and feedback so please don’t hesitate to get in touch.

You can access the webinar here>

Presenter contact details:
First Choice Housing association (FCHA)
Adrian Burke (CEO FCHA): [email protected]
Richard Lloyd (Director of Operations FCHA): [email protected]
Steve Garland (GISCA): [email protected]
Edwin Jones: [email protected]

Downloadable resources:
Presenter Brief biographies:
Adrian Burke>
Richard Lloyd>
Steve Garland>
Edwin Jones>

PDF copies of the presentations
Edwin’s presentation>
Steve’s presentation>
Adrian’s presentation>
Richard’s presentation>

Accessible description of PBS infographic
Welsh / Cymraeg>
Spanish / Espaniol>

Find out how you can access more free PBS resources online here>

Transforming care and building the right support

Building the right home: Guidance for commissioners of health and care services for children, young people and adults with learning disabilities and/or autism who display behaviour that challenges. Access the guidance here>

New Welsh commissioning guidance: Commissioning accommodation and support for a good life for people with a learning disability. Access the guidance here>

The Welsh National Commissioning Board website provides supporting documents including easy read and an executive summary of the New Welsh Commissioning Guidance. Access the website here>

Information about First Choice Housing Association (FCHA)
FCHA Development Leaflet>
FCHA General Leaflet>
FCHA Health Leaflet>