We have a wide range of resources available for you to browse and access.
Covid-19 Vaccinations Resources
With the roll-out of the national COVID-19 vaccination programme, there is now hope of a way out of the pandemic and its associated social restrictions.
We recognise that whilst there is much hope surrounding the vaccinations, there is also a lot for carers, support workers, family members and organisations to think about and plan for to ensure everyone who wants the vaccine can have it safely and without delay or unnecessary restrictions.
We have collated a list of useful resources to help you think through common questions and concerns surrounding the roll out of the vaccinations for people with learning disabilities, autistic people and people with mental health conditions, including those who lack capacity to make most, if not all, decisions about accessing health interventions.
Learning Disability England have also collated a catalogue of resources about the vaccinations, which you can view here>
Easy read guides and social stories
Government easy read guide to your Covid-19 vaccination>
Mencap easy read information about the Coronavirus vaccine>
Downs Syndrome Association’s easy read guide to the Coronavirus vaccination>
Books Beyond Words – coping with Coronavirus>
What is the vaccine, and is it safe?
JWeb webinar on learning disabilities and the vaccine>
Mental capacity, best interest decision making and reasonable adjustments
7th National Mental Capacity Forum Rapid Response Webinar>
39 Essex Chambers Rapid Response Guidance Note: Vaccination and Mental Capacity>
Downs Syndrome Association’s quick guide: Supporting me to make a decision>
Paid Supporters – preparing with people for Covid Vaccination>
Restraint Reduction Network webinar: Rights, consent and least restrictive approaches to the Covid-19 vaccination roll-out (part 1)
Restraint Reduction Network webinar: Rights, consent and least restrictive approaches to the Covid-19 vaccination roll-out (part 2)