All the latest news and views from Bild.

28 January 2022

We are looking for people with learning disabilities to be Reach Out Buddies. This is paid work.

Could you help make a difference to people with learning disabilities or autistic people?

Are you a person with learning disabilities?

Have you experienced restrictive practices in inpatient settings? This setting could be an NHS hospital, psychiatric hospital or long-term care placement.

Or have you been detained under the Mental Health Act?


What are restrictive practices?

Restrictive practices are ways that people force individuals to do things that they don’t want to do

This could include coercion, restraint, seclusion or by being given medication.


What is a Reach Out Buddy?

A Reach Out Buddy would make friends with and support someone with learning disabilities who is in a secure hospital.




Reach Out Buddies would get in touch with each other for a weekly chat on Zoom.

You will get support from a Buddy Supporter, who will give you advice and answer your questions.


To read the Job Advert, click here.

For more information on the Job Description, click here.

This job pays £150 for half a day.

A Reach Out Buddy can choose how they are paid.


If you are interested, please email: [email protected] by 14th February 2022.

You can also call Fiona who works for Bild on 07973 657088.