PBS workforce development
We offer a range of person centred PBS open programmes, tailored in-house workforce development, and consultancy.

Find out more about Bild's Positive Behaviour Support.
PBS at Bild
Bild believes PBS should help practitioners to understand each person they support and meet their individual needs. By working with the person in co-designing and making decisions about the support they receive, PBS is a person-centred framework that supports quality of life.
Read more about Bild’s approach to PBS here.
What we offer
Bild take a human rights-focussed, values-led approach to PBS, promoting respect, dignity, and full, uncompromising inclusion in all areas of life. We do all we can to ensure that practitioners we train embody and champion Bild’s person centred PBS approach. Bild’s Positive Behaviour Support Programmes do not include any restrictive intervention training.
Bild’s Centre for the Advancement of Positive Behaviour Support (CAPBS) supports the organisational and workforce development of Positive Behaviour Support. We are the UK leader in person centred Positive Behaviour Support (PBS) training with a range of tried and tested workforce development programmes designed to meet the needs of those learning about PBS for the first time as well as practice leaders and senior leadership teams.
Our Organisational and Workforce Development Framework
Our framework recognises that services and organisations often provide supports at different levels and may have different PBS workforce development needs at different times.
Each tier is tailored to the training needs of different roles and functions to ensure that the right people have the right values and competencies to improve lives and develop and maintain positive, non-restrictive cultures.
Practitioner programme for direct support workers
- Positive Behaviour Support: Practitioner
- Active Support Foundation (new programme)
Coaches programmes for developing practice leaders
Qualifications for enhancing practice leaders
Senior leadership programmes
- Contact our PBS team using this online contact form.
Other programmes
PBS Consultancy
At Bild we work to support the organisational and workforce development of Positive Behaviour Support.
We believe a whole organisational approach is needed to embed PBS; everybody who works in the organisation in whatever role should have a basic understanding of PBS and its value base.
Bild consultants work alongside organisations and services in the social care, education and health sectors, as well as with families. We work with those who support children, young people and adults who have, or may be at risk of developing, behaviours that are concerning to the people that support them due to needs not being met.
To discuss what consultancy support we can offer in the area of Positive Behaviour Support, please fill in our contact form and we will respond as soon as possible.
Improving Practice
Bild is committed to supporting organisations who work with people with learning disabilities and autistic people to help ensure providers and services have the necessary knowledge, understanding and skills to provide a capable and supportive environment that meets people’s needs.
We welcome the opportunity to work with any organisation passionate about improving their work. Whether addressing challenges or developing existing strengths and skills, together we can create a culture that enables everyone to thrive.