PBSA Community of Practice for Education Settings
PBSA Community of Practice for Education Settings
Our Vision:
- Students with learning disabilities and/or autistic people (and their families and carers) have a good quality of life, and enjoy their educational experience, developing skills and independence.
- Education settings develop cultures of curiosity around behaviours of concern and cultures of empathy underpinned by trauma informed approaches and co-production underpinned by Total Communication
- Reductions in individual and blanket restrictions are supported through increased proactive and capable environments and are evidenced through robust data collection
Our Purpose:
To develop and promote a shared understanding of PBS, improve the quality of PBS implementation across education settings – including specialist, mainstream, pupil referral and specialist units – from pre-school to college provisions (including the understanding of commissioners and inspectors) in order to achieve our vision.
Our Scope:
- Work across education settings and specialist support teams, including day and residential services
- Focus on people with learning disabilities and/or autistic people (including those whose behaviour may sometimes challenge services and those who may also have Social, Emotional and Mental Health problems)
- Work across the UK
- The community of practice may facilitate and support submissions of practice papers relating to PBS in Educational settings to the International Journal of PBS
Our Activities:
- To provide an online platform for discussion, dissemination of information and encouragement via a linkedin page
- To run termly webinars to share good practice and new developments in the field of PBS in education settings.
- To support educational settings who would like share elements of their PBS good practice via practice papers, wider conferences and in journals.
- To develop tools & resources that support the implementation of PBS specifically in education settings
- To highlight issues, challenges or developments in education settings which need to be flagged with the PBS Alliance steering group
- To work with other communities in responding to draft guidelines, legislation and consults at local and national levels
- To support the work of the RRN, as appropriate, in order to support the reduction of restrictive practices in educational settings.
- Develop evidence base in UK through pilots, evaluations and research as well as learning from and sharing information internationally working with partners in Europe to further learning together
- Bring together expertise and facilitate cross sector collaboration
- Be the collective voice of education settings working collaboratively to improve the implementation of PBS across UK
We welcome all education settings who are planning or currently implementing a PBS framework - please do contact us at [email protected]