All about us and our lives: valuing people with learning disabilities and autism
Programme dates to be announced
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This programme is also available in-house, tailored to the needs of your organisation. To find out more please contact us on 0121 415 6960, email [email protected]
Programme details
Who is this for?
Anyone who wants to know more about people with learning disabilities.
Aim of the programme
This new programme, co-designed and delivered by people with learning disabilities, will equip learners with an awareness and understanding of what it means to have a learning disability.
The course explores what a learning disability is, and most importantly, what it means to people with a learning disability and their family members. It examines how the public perception of people with learning disabilities can create barriers to inclusion.
We will look at some of the current legislation and public policy in place, in relation to learning disabilities and how it can affect your own workplace.
Through taking a closer look at communication we explore how staff can make changes to their own behaviour and communication to help them offer good support to people with learning disabilities.
The course ends with an important look at empowerment, advocacy and co-production and how we ensure that everything we do includes and supports people with learning disabilities.
Summary of the day
Throughout the course there are practical exercises, and opportunities to ask questions and explore in more detail how we can all work better alongside people with learning disabilities.
The day is broken into four parts:
- What it means to have a learning disability
- Legislation and public policy
- Communicating with someone with learning disabilities
- Empowerment, Advocacy and Co-Production
This course meets the Tier 1 requirements of the Department of Health and Social Care (DHSC) Core Capabilities Framework.