Valuing People Alliance
Valuing People Alliance
The Valuing People Alliance is helping to launch the new guide 'Helping People Thrive' which shows how the lives of people with learning disabilities or autistic people can be transformed. The guide has been produced by Baroness Sheila Hollins and the Department of Health and Social Care. Find out more
The Valuing People Alliance is part of the Health and Wellbeing Alliance.
The role of the Health and Wellbeing Alliance includes enabling:
- Voice
- Co-production
- Gathering & sharing info
- Reducing health inequalities (through preventing wider social determinates)
The Health and Wellbeing Alliance includes:
- Department of Health and Social Care
- NHS England
- Public Health England
- Voluntary and Community Social Enterprise
The Valuing People Alliance includes:
- Bild
- National Development Team for Inclusion – experts in research, evaluation, policy & consultancy
Learning Disability England – Ensure the voice of members is heard & informs policy promotes rights, choice and inclusion
What we do
The Valuing People Alliance exists to champion the rights and wellbeing of people with learning disabilities. We have two overarching priorities:
- People with learning disabilities experience equal rights to have autonomy and to make choices and decisions (eg through personalised approaches) about their lives (eg relationships, where to live)
- Society makes reasonable adjustments for people with learning disabilities so they experience equal opportunities and equal access to healthcare services and initiatives and do not experience health inequalities (eg disproportionally high premature death)
Our priorities for 2020 (that we use to filter which work to be involved in) are:
- Well-being, human rights & quality of life (including reducing restrictive practices)
- Preventing health inequalities (LeDeR and influencing wider system)
learning disabilities and autistic spectrum conditions in the long term plan (including Building the Right Support and growing older with learning disabilities) - Working age adults in social care green paper
children and young people with learning disabilities/autistic spectrum conditions (links to taskforce)
How we work:
The Valuing People Alliance is well connected and works closely with people with learning disabilities, their families and supporters. We aim to be:
- Coordinated & joined up voice of learning disability sector (providers eg Voluntary Organisations Disability Group, charities, families)
- Solution focused and collaborative (working with wider Health and Wellbeing Alliance eg complex needs alliance, government depts. & other stakeholders)
The Valuing People Alliance hosts annual events and steering groups to discuss with stakeholders including:
- The Valuing People Alliance works with Department of Health and Social Care to host (& co-chair) quarterly learning disabilities forum (with stakeholders and policy leads from Health and Wellbeing Alliance charities, government departments and arm’s length bodies).
- The Valuing People Alliance facilitates the national ageing well and growing older with learning disabilities steering group.
- Annual event focusing on priority areas – to get consensus to ensure we can effectively be coordinated & collaborative voice of sector (next event in April 2020)